Application Services
& Modernization
Get your apps and IT modernized with the most
advanced and proven industry practices


How can you cost-effectively prep your IT environment to anticipate and satisfy today's and future needs? How does your business fulfill the ever-increasing expectations of today's clients? Turn to FueledBy for help reimagining and modernizing your fundamental applications and IT infrastructure in order to satisfy your company's growing demands—all while maintaining the highest security standards.

We utilize our extensive understanding of current technologies, applications, infrastructure, security, operations, industry domains, and human-centric design to minimize risk as you develop for the future. We also conceive and implement straightforward and elegant solutions to simplify and modernize apps and infrastructure at speed and scale—all in order to assist you meet your company's digital promise.

The Best Application Modernization Practices

1. Modernization is a dynamic process, not a fixed one. Aim for continuous improvement and pursue ever-changing objectives.
3. You can't improve what you can't quantify. Focus on value-driven change rather than ROI-focused modernization.
5. Learn more quickly by being willing to put mistakes aside. Create an organizational structure that encourages innovation and learning.
7. We may accomplish so little alone. We can create more value if we combine our efforts with the rest of the ecosystem.
2. Better team members and better leaders will make a significant impact. All stakeholders should be included.
4. Flexible items do not get bent out of shape. Maintain IT's flexibility and agility.
6. Productivity is the name of the game. Productivity, not busyness, should be your goal.

The Application Modernization Process

Step 1
Application Assessment
The first step is to understand the current state of the application landscape. Our Solution Architects will conduct a thorough analysis by working with business stakeholders to gain insight into current-state apps and their components.
Step 2
Requirement Analysis
Using the assessment findings, we identify improvement opportunities that target specific business goals. We will prioritize the opportunities and develop a roadmap that maps to your business requirements.
Step 3
Application Improvements
We will work with your team to transform the legacy code, integrate the new technologies and frameworks you've selected, and create a modernized application that is safe, secure, and scalable.
Step 4
Selecting Ideal Platforms
At FueledBy, we select the right platforms for your business's apps. We provide the best tools and technologies so you can focus on your core competencies.
Step 5
Testing & Evaluation
Our Solution Architects design test plans based on our deep knowledge of application development to ensure that the new version will improve quality, response time, and efficiency.
Step 6
Application Migration
We develop and execute a go-live plan that smoothly migrates your applications and data to the new environment.
Step 7
Go-Live & Support
The final step is to ensure that your new, modernized application performs as expected and meets key business requirements. We will support the application during its go-live process and beyond.

Why Choose FueledBy?

Get your application modernization plan and business capabilities aligned
To adhere to this first tenet of business application modernization, we propose capability indexing, which entails identifying and ranking business capabilities by following the corporate strategy.
Reduce the number of steps in your processes and invest in new capabilities
This principle promotes getting rid of redundancies in your process and focusing application modernizations on meaningful new features and user experiences while investing in the latest technologies/capabilities.
Create performance baselines and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress.
Modernization plans include investments in workforce empowerment, business recovery, application portfolio evaluation, and updating code to contemporary platforms.
Get Your Date Modernized
Data change includes updating data architecture modernization, data security certification, schema redesigning, redundancy elimination, data quality correction, and performance adjustment. Get all of that modernized.